Crafting a Felt Farm by Rotrad Reinhard


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SKU: B96 Category:

Crafting a Felt Farm by Rotrad Reinhard is a unique craft book in two parts. Learn to make a felted farm and enjoy an illustrated story!

The crafting section contains step-by-step instructions, complete with beautiful color photographs, showing how to make an entire farm with a variety of needle-felted animals, people, and buildings.

The illustrated story takes those characters, animals, and settings and tells a tale of a fun-filled day on the farm.

Crafters may choose to just make a couple of animals to supplement an existing farm set, or the entire farm, which is a great project for the whole family. Younger ones can make apples, balls or puddles and older children can felt simple animals. Parents and other experienced adults can felt the more intricate animals and put the farm structure together. A felt farm project is a wonderful way for families to spend time together, working with a common purpose.

Throughout this felting guide, experienced felter Rotraud Reinhard provides tips and tricks for working with felt and bringing color and life to your farm.

Crafting a Felt Farm – Softbound – Catalog # B96

Weight 2 lbs
Dimensions 9 × 8.5 × .75 in
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